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The RRK Blog

How to Provide for a Pet in Your Will: What Are Your Options?

Legally speaking, pets are considered personal possessions which means you can’t directly leave them an inheritance, but there are ways to ensure that their new owners get the support they need to provide the quality of life our companions deserve. So what are the options? In this blog we’ll talk you through everything you need to know about providing for your pets.

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4 Types of Trusts & Why They Are Useful

It’s never too early to start planning for the future, and if you’re thinking about how to distribute your assets when you pass on, a trust may be an effective way for you to leave as much as possible for your loved ones. A trust is an arrangement that governs how money or property is managed by one or more parties (the trustee/s) on behalf of another (the beneficiary/beneficiaries). There are many different kinds of trusts, each tailored for different purposes.

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What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

Death is a difficult topic to discuss, as people don’t like being reminded of the need to plan for that distant day. However, as 59% of adults in the United Kingdom are yet to create their will, meaning that they risk intestacy if they pass on, we believe it’s an important topic to understand. Properly preparing for the day you move on allows you to protect your legacy by ensuring that those you love get what you intended for them.

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When Should You Update Your Will?

Life is full of moments of change. Making sure that your will accurately reflects those changes is an important, but often neglected, endeavour that ensures your assets are shared as you’d hoped when you pass. In our latest blog, we’ll discuss the key milestones within your life when you should think about updating your final wishes.

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In this BLOG we will go through one of our recent cases. It’s a case that reflects a scenario many are in so will hopefully answer many of the questions they may have. We have used aliases for the clients for confidentiality.

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Many individuals and couples put off having their wills drafted due to what they may consider complex family situations such as excluding a family member or members from benefiting from their estate. In some cases, the solution may not be as complicated as one may assume.

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